Marine Surveying - Our Services - Lerotec - Yacht Equipment Production and Exporting

Marine Surveying

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As the surveyor inspects the boat, they'll note any potential issues and present you with documentation that lists the current condition and seaworthiness of the vessel, as well as a value estimate. List of problems, solution suggestions and their approximate costs will be determined to create a solid base for closing the negotiations between Owner and Buyer.

When building a yacht or managing the refit of a yacht, communication is key which is based on the related survey report. You want to know what has happened every step of the way and our clear and comprehensive reports will provide you just that. The reports will be issued on a regular basis and show the progress being made along with a comparison to the budget and the estimated timelines to ensure that everything is staying on track.
Working with Lerotec Company can assist you in determining the best boat for your requirements and budget and eliminate a lot of the guesswork. A yacht’s price varies widely based on its size, state, age, facilities, and even where it is moored.

Lerotec - Yacht Equipment Production and Exporting Lerotec - Yacht Equipment Production and Exporting